Summer 2025 at Washington Square Academy
Grades 6-8: Session I (June 16 – June 27): Session II (July 7 – July 18); Session III (July 21 – August 1)
Grades 9-12 Academic Bootcamps: August 4 – August 22
(Online options available for all courses!)

Grades 6 – 8:
All Sessions Run Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 2:00pm
$1,250 Per Session (Includes Materials, Field Trip Fees, Lunch, & Snacks)

June 16 – June 27
The Science & Artistry of Chemistry
Learn the Foundations of Chemistry and an Appreciation for Its Artistic Beauty.
Click HERE to see the course description!
Scroll down to register.
July 7 – July 18
Art Appreciation Through Writing
Improve Composition Skills While Studying Masterpieces of Art
Click HERE to see the course description!
Scroll down to register.
July 21 – August 1
Learn the Foundations of Animal & Plant Biology
Click HERE to see the course description!
Scroll down to register.
Grades 9 – 12:
Academic Boot Camps: August 4 to August 22, 2025, Monday to Friday
$1,650 Per Camp (Includes Materials & Snacks)
Morning Camps: 9:00am to 12:00pm ♦ Afternoon Camps: 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Get an overview and head start on the content and skills covered in AP Physics!
Brainstorm, draft, edit, and complete all essays for the Common Application with guidance from the experts!
AP English Language and Composition*
Get an overview and head start on the content and skills covered in AP Language and Composition!
Spanish Conversation & Cultural Immersion
For intermediate and advanced Spanish learners seeking to become culturally and conversationally fluent.
Get an overview and head start on the content and skills covered in AP Biology!
Get Ready For AP Computer Science Principles*
Get an overview and head start on the content and skills covered in AP Computer Science!
Get an overview and head start on the content and skills covered in AP US History
*These courses are designed to provide students going into high school College Board AP classes in September 2025 with an overview of the curriculum and a head start on learning the content and skills typically covered in the relevant subject area during the first 2-3 months of the school year. Washington Square Academy has no affiliation with the College Board.
Go HERE to register for a course.
If you would like more information before you register, complete the form below or reach out to us directly:
(857) 265-8078 〜